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WGQS Statement on Anti-Asian Racism and Violence

Aug 12, 2021

In the wake of yet another horrifying act of white supremacist violence involving the murder of eight people—six of them Asian women—by a 21-year-old white man in Atlanta, Women’s, Gender & Queer Studies at Cal Poly is compelled to reaffirm our commitments to dismantling white supremacy, settle colonialism, and racist violence against the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities locally, nationally, and around the world.

WGQS at Cal Poly: Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives

Aug 12, 2021

The murders of Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Tony McDade are only a few of the most recent examples of the brutal, chilling, appalling, and ongoing anti-Black violence perpetrated by settler colonialisms, white supremacy, and police brutality in the United States. These murders, in conjunction with the long histories of anti-Black violence and systemic racism more generally, compel Women’s, Gender, & Queer Studies at Cal Poly to reaffirm our commitments to dismantling settler colonialisms and white supremacy. 

WGS Undocumented Communities Solidarity Statement

Apr 16, 2019

In light of the recent social media post denigrating Undocumented communities, Women’s, Gender, & Queer Studies at Cal Poly writes to voice its support for and stand in solidarity with our Undocumented community on campus and across the Central Coast, as well as students, staff, and faculty in mixed status families. 

Apply Now! For 2019-20 Susan Currier Visiting Professor

Nov 28, 2018

Apply on CalPolyJobs for our 2019-20 Recruitment! 

COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS – SUSAN CURRIER VISITING PROFESSORSHIP FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE- Full-time, non-renewable, one-quarter appointment as a visiting faculty member at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California during the 2019-20 academic year. A half-time, two-consecutive-quarter, non-renewable appointment may be considered. For details, qualifications, and application instructions (online faculty application required), visit WWW.CALPOLYJOBS.ORG and apply to Requisition #105107. Review Begin Date: February 4, 2019. EEO.


Cal Poly’s QTPoCC shares "Response to Recent News on Transgender and Intersex Erasure"

Oct 31, 2018

Many of you have already come across the alarming news of 45’s decision, released by the Department of Health and Human Services, to define gender in terms of immutable, binary (male/female) at-birth assignments. We at the Queer and/or Trans* People of Color Club firmly oppose this and all forms of legalized, state sanctioned violence against Transgender and Intersex people. Our definition of Trans* is broad, expansive, and inclusive of gender configurations beyond cisgender normativity.

We recognize this move not as an irresponsible act on the part of a few policy makers, but instead a measure that can be traced back to the instantiation of colonialism. Among the mechanisms of continued colonial conquest that persist with us, as we observe with this legal move, are the imperatives to erase Trans*, Non-binary, Intersex, Two-Spirit, and other gender identifications outside the colonial model from existence. However, “Trans has always resisted state erasure—which begins with the slave ship, the plantation, the settler colony and extends to the prison and more. We have always found new ways of forging life, the state can’t erase what it can’t even dream, can’t capture what it can’t fathom” [1]. The words of Che Gossett remind us of our ancestors’ vigilance and strength. This moment may feel incredibly heavy, but we are together in this, alongside and with our Queer and/or Transgender ancestors, resisting and surviving the colonial aim to eradicate us. They are with us. We are with you. We love you.

As long as there are people, gender will never be an uncomplicated duality. Deborah Miranda writes, “A Two-Spirit person is born regardless of biological genealogy. Thus we will always be with you. We are you. We are not outsiders, some other community that can be wiped out. We come from you, and we return to you” [2]. Similarly, Transgender and Intersex people will reemerge of the ashes. Our bodies perpetually re-member the past and produce Queer, Trans*, Two-Spirit [3], and Intersex futures. We can never be eradicated.

From the past, we can best glean the ways these tactics will largely harm Indigenous and Black populations, especially Black/Native Transgender inmates. Experientially, Trans* and Queer of Color communities know this to be true. Prisons are the site of anti-Transgender brutalization, and as Trans* and Queer students of Color, we are committed to ending the violences of captivity and anti-Trans* pathologization. We must always remind ourselves that we are connected intimately to one another. The violences our neighbors face are, too, our responsibility. Together, let’s continue to demand the return of Indigenous lands and lifeways, to envision and realize a world without prisons, create a world of where we may be our authentic selves, and bring ends to the ongoing violence of colonialism. Our communities will resurge,again and again. Let’s continue to imagine and carve pasts, presents, and futures together, that are Trans*, that are Queer, Non-binary, accessible, Intersex, Femme, Indigenous, Black, expansive, and radically inclusive.

With immeasurable love,
Queer and/or Trans* People of Color Club

[1] Gossett, Che. Twitter Post. October 22, 2018.

[2] Miranda, D. A. "Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16, no. 1-2 (2010): 253-84. doi:10.1215/10642684-2009-022.

[3] Two-Spirit is not an identity that can be extended to anyone but Natives who have a particular spiritual role in their community. In that vein, not all Queer or Trans* Natives are Two-Spirit.

NWSA releases "Statement Against Anti-Semitic Violence"

Oct 29, 2018

On Monday October 29, 2018, the National Women's Studies Association released a "Statement Against Anti-Semitic Violence." The Cal Poly Department of Women's & Gender Studies is an institutional member of the National Women's Studies Association. A copy of the NWSA statement is shared below.

NWSA Statement Against Anti-Semitic Violence
October 29, 2018

As an organization of feminist scholars, NWSA embraces the dignity and humanity of all people, and condemns acts of violence and state policies that compromise that principle.

We are outraged and deeply saddened by the carnage that occurred in Pittsburgh on October 27, 2018 in which 11 people were killed at a synagogue before Shabbat services. This despicable act apparently carried out by one lone gunman filled with anti-Semitic hate and paranoia, however, occurs in a political climate where racism, white supremacy, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are on the rise, condoned directly and indirectly at the highest levels of the government. While the gunman in Pittsburgh criticized Trump, he borrowed language that has been deployed by the president attacking immigrants and celebrating white nationalism.

Acts of violence like this one are steeped in a kind of toxic masculinity that seeks to dominate or destroy those deemed inferior in some way. While we do not know the personal history of the shooter in this case, we do know that one common fact shared by many mass shooters is a history of domestic violence. Thus violence toward women becomes a dress rehearsal for mass violence toward other targeted groups.

NWSA sends its condolences to the families and victims of the Pittsburgh shootings and pledge to continue to use our collective voice and platform to speak out against violence, hate and injustice.

SIGNED by the NWSA EC [Executive Committee] with affiliations*
Barbara Ransby, President, University of Illinois - Chicago
Elora Chowdhury, Vice President, University of Massachusetts - Boston
Patti Duncan, Secretary, Oregon State University
Karma R. Chávez, Treasurer, University of Texas - Austin
(*affiliations for identification purposes only)

Community Crisis Shelter Donation Drive - Accepting Donations Now!

Oct 5, 2018

In the spirit of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Cal Poly Safer will be hosting a drive for our local crisis shelters and a competition for the organization that donates the most. 

This initiative was created in an effort to take action against domestic violence, support survivors, and show solidarity on the Cal Poly campus.  With each donation given to Stand Strong and RISE, a survivor is able to have access to basic needs and care.

The drive will begin Monday, October 1st and will end Friday, October 26th by 12:00pm.  Safer will celebrate everyone who was involved, with refreshments and awards for most donated from an individual, student group, and campus organization, on Tuesday, October 30th at 7:00pm in UU 220.  

If you would like to donate new or unused items such as, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, pillows, and luggage bags (see attached list), there is a collection box in the Women's and Gender Studies Department Office in 47-25H.  If you prefer to donate grocery, gas, or gift cards, or make a cash donation, there will be a secure envelope in the Women's and Gender Studies Department Office in 47-25H.

Julia Bryan Wilson event flyer

WGS hosting "A Conversation with Julia Bryan-Wilson" a feminist art historian from UC Berkeley on 5/8

May 3, 2018

Join renowned feminist art historian Julia Bryan-Wilson for a conversation about her work in, and the relationships between, feminism, the visual arts, and cultural production. In particular, Dr. Bryan-Wilson will discuss the path that led to her career in the visual arts, art history, and feminism, and we will explore the opportunities— and challenges—that are involved for scholars, artists, activists, and other professionals identified as feminists in the visual arts, and in cultural production more generally, in our current moment.

Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Time: 11:10AM-12PM

Location: Bldg. 10, Rm. 115

Mel Chen Flyer

Mel Y. Chen of UC Berkeley to give a talk on "Queer InHumanism: Thinking with Race & Disability" on 5/7

May 3, 2018

Join Dr. Chen for a talk on queer inhumanism (as conceived with Dana Luciano) as a way to think about current national and global crises and as a way to examine questions about how perceived time plays a role in human (and inhuman) difference. Dr. Chen will also explore how these and related matters have meant that what we today know as ‘race’ and ‘disability’ have become deeply entangled.

Date: Monday, May 7, 2018

Time: 2:10-4PM

Location: Advanced Technology Lab ATL (Bldg. 7, 01)


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